January 1, 2016

Guest Blogger


Welcome to guest blogging at pvmishra.com! I am looking for new guest bloggers to join our growing team of expert bloggers on current affairs, software development, travel and more…
This is your chance to be part of our site. if you wish to write the blog then you could become a guest blogger at our website.
We’re looking for guest bloggers to help fill our site with interesting and informative articles and opinions. We want original, exciting and interesting posts on any of the any of the areas from personal experiences to news and reviews.
Just Email to admin@pvmishra.com with your pitches – submissions we are excited by receive replies.


Guest Blogging Rules

Before you write for us there are few rules for the the guest blogging. the rules are as below

  1. Our first objective is sharing the knowledge that is helpful to others, so please provide such articles that helps other more and focus on back linking less.
  2. pvmishra.com is a family-friendly site so please, won’t somebody think of the children? As a result the following will not be tolerated:
    1. Swearing
    2. Intolerant or offensive views or language
    3. Graphic sexual references
  3. We all are friends here so there is no need to get personal. Sometimes something is so terrible you have just got to give it a bad review, and we understand that, but anything that could be deemed an outright attack on an individual or organization is not acceptable.
  4. Please don’t put such stuff  in your post full of links that can be spam.
  5. We understand that you’ve invest your precious time and effort in writing a quality blog for us and you deserve credit, so we are more than happy to allow a link to your Facebook and/or your Twitter page in your author bio.
  6. This is about allowing bloggers to show their work and gain exposure, so unfortunately we can’t allow links to corporate/sales sites.
  7. Articles must be not copied from any others post of the image that are used must not be having the copyright issues.
  8. Please don’t make any statements you can’t back up, and if you do state anything outrageous expect us to ask you to prove it.
  9. The Editor’s decision is final, that’s why he’s the Editor.

Send your ideas for blogs to admin@pvmishra.com or pvmishraweb@gmail.com and we’ll reply with the best ones.